Gisteren was het in de Verenigde Staten National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day. Een dag waarop politieagenten in het zonnetje worden gezet, en burgers hen mogen bedanken voor hun harde werk. Helaas paardrijlaars heeft de politie in de VS op dit moment een enorm slecht imago. Dus toen een lokale zender aan hun volgers op Twitter vroeg om foto’s te posten om agenten te bedanken, ging het al snel mis…
Friday is National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day. If you want to salute an officer, tweet us a pic!
— FOX 5 DC (@fox5newsdc) January 8, 2015
RT @fox5newsdc: Friday is National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day. If you want to salute an officer tweet us a pic!
— Lifelong Cowboys Fan (@TheRealTenski) January 8, 2015
— Tío Main (@_MAlN) January 8, 2015
RT@fox5newsdc: Friday is National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day. If you want to salute an officer, tweet us a pic!
— BrownBlaze (@brownblaze) January 8, 2015
“@fox5newsdc: Friday is National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day. If you want to salute an officer, tweet us a pic!”
— Kunta Kuntlicka (@supaalvin) January 8, 2015
“@fox5newsdc: Friday is National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day. If you want to salute an officer, tweet us a pic”
— Mina II Society™ (@odotkay) January 8, 2015
“@fox5newsdc: National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day. If you want to salute an officer, tweet us a pic! <—
— N.A.F.T (@IlluminDaji) January 8, 2015
“@fox5newsdc: Friday is National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day. If you want to salute an officer, tweet us a pic!”
— _____________ (@MostUnfollowed) January 8, 2015